About Us

Community Options, Inc. was founded by Pat Fitzgerald, Grace Peterson, and Connie Patrick in July 1999.

Pat Fitzgerald

The Company was established on 50 years of reputable experience of Supporting People with Disabilities.

Grace Peterson

We started small with 2 Clients for Vocational Services. Today, We have Residential Services in the Surrounding Counties and 4 Vocational Sites such as Community Links of Chelsea, Clothes and More in Claremore and Vinita, and Little Green Shop in Chelsea.

We believe in the dignity, freedom, and self-determination for everybody.  Following this philosophy, we provide our services to people with developmental disabilities.  We seek to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the community through person-centered and natural supports.  We recognize that people with disabilities need environments, equipment, clinical and staff support that are tailored to their specific needs.

We Maintain an Open-Door Policy Encouraging Clients and Staff to visit Management at any time. The Main Goal is Discovering Vision, Creating Opportunities, and delivering support to individuals to assist in the discovery and move toward an independent future.  We have developed a reputation for quality, cost-effective administration that encourages individual choice and flexibility.

We strive to maintain a warm family environment that encourages communication, creativity, and independence.  We believe employees are a crucial element that made it possible for the company to expand and offer these services to enrich the lives of adults and children who are mentally and/or physically challenged.  We vow to continue to strive toward improving the lives of disabled individuals and give them hope for tomorrow.